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I hope it would be approved

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I hope it would be approved Empty I hope it would be approved

Post  behapis 27th April 2009, 11:17 am

Name-Behapis (real name) Belgin Hakic
Appearance-depend on the taste of people
Descrpition-shy boy with a hidden power
Like-honest play
Slice Cutter,Ability Counter,Power Charge,Twin Machete,Shadowscratch,Depth Tornado,Blue Stealth,Forcing Waves,Atomic Brave,Doom Companion,Polygraph Divide,Revive,Dive Mirage,Ventus and Pyrus Co-Relation,Haos and Darkus Co-Relation,Pyrus and Darkus Vertical Relation,SubTerra and Aquos Diagonal Relation,Darkus and Aquos Co-Relation(last 5 ability's cards are for my PREYAS ability)
Gate Cards-
Character Card(PREYAS),Quartet Battle,Super Pyrus,Mind Ghost,Level Down,Trade Off,Battlefielder,Energy Merge,

Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-04-27
Location : Serbia

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I hope it would be approved Left_bar_bleue0/10I hope it would be approved Empty_bar_bleue  (0/10)

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I hope it would be approved Empty Re: I hope it would be approved

Post  super-saiyan-night-shadow 27th April 2009, 11:34 am

behapis wrote:Name-Behapis (real name) Belgin Hakic
Appearance-depend on the taste of people
Descrpition-shy boy with a hidden power
Like-honest play
Slice Cutter,Ability Counter,Power Charge,Twin Machete,Shadowscratch,Depth Tornado,Blue Stealth,Forcing Waves,Atomic Brave,Doom Companion,Polygraph Divide,Revive,Dive Mirage,Ventus and Pyrus Co-Relation,Haos and Darkus Co-Relation,Pyrus and Darkus Vertical Relation,SubTerra and Aquos Diagonal Relation,Darkus and Aquos Co-Relation(last 5 ability's cards are for my PREYAS ability)
Gate Cards-
Character Card(PREYAS),Quartet Battle,Super Pyrus,Mind Ghost,Level Down,Trade Off,Battlefielder,Energy Merge,

great,but try doing it in the same manner as I did mine,neat,well paragraphed,and organised.......oh and the minimum number of cards you can have are:-
15 gates
15 ability
15 special ability
and 1 fusion[although there is no harm in having more]
PS:you need waaaaaaaaaaay more cards if you ever wan to win

Posts : 189
Join date : 2009-04-21
Age : 27
Location : in space......

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I hope it would be approved Left_bar_bleue260/999999999999I hope it would be approved Empty_bar_bleue  (260/999999999999)

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