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Pharoh Darkus

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Pharoh Darkus Empty Pharoh Darkus

Post  Doom Proof(Revolution) 17th August 2008, 10:00 pm

Name:Pharoh Darkus

The Story:The Revolution Character Behind Pyre & Darkus.


People Who Get Mad Over Stupid Stuff.

Dislike: Weak Brawler.


Fear Ripper:370

Charecter Card:
Fear Ripper:

Character Card: Any bakugan you choose can be used as the character cards' power bonus. If you play a bakugan on this card and the same card opens with its name stated, that bakugan may double its G power level.

1xQuartet Battle: Both players shoot in another bakugan to the battle and combine g power levels.

1xSuper Pyrus: Switch g power levels of both battling bakugan on this Gate Card.

1xIntercept: Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan.

1xMind Ghost: Destroy all bakugan on this Gate Card.

1xTransform: Increase your bakugan's power level to the point of your strongest bakugan in your arsenal's power level.

1xTriple Battle: Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan.

1xLevel Down: Decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs.

1xRing of Flames: Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 80 Gs.

1xTrade Off: If your opponent's bakugan has 400 Gs or higher in power, you automatically defeat it.

2xPositive Delta: If you are a Ventus, Darkus, or SubTerra bakugan, decrease an Aquos, Pyrus, or Haos bakugan by 200 Gs. If you are a Pyrus, Aquos, or Haos bakugan, decrease a Darkus, Ventus, or SubTerra bakugan by 200 Gs. If you are attacked by one of the bakugan in your combination triangle, YOUR bakugan is decreased by 200 Gs.

2x3rd Judgment: Shoot in another Darkus bakugan and combine g power levels.

1xQuick Sand Freeze: Trap your opponent's bakugan and shoot in another one of your own after the original one has been defeated.

1xBattlefielder: Return all of the lost Gate Cards back to the battlefield.

2xScapegoat: Decide whether the battle on a certain Gate Card should continue or not, call "Continue" or "Stop".

2XBio Hazard: Undo your opponent's previous move.

2XFinal Judgment: Call a bakugan attribute. Drain all power from every bakugan on this Gate Card with the exception of the attribute you called out.

2XReloaded: Increase your bakugan on this Gate Card by 100 Gs for every bakugan you have on the battlefield.

2XEnergy Merge: Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own.

Joker's Wild: If there is a Darkus attributed bakugan on this Gate Card, it wins automatically. If there are two Darkus bakugan on this Gate Card, continue the round without Gate Card effects.

1xGrand Spirit: Increase your bakugan's power level by 50 Gs for every Gate Card your opponent has played in this brawl.

1xSwitch Back: Any Preyas bakugan on this Gate Card that has used "Attribute Change" is automatically reverted back to its original attribute.

1xWall Lock: Neutralize your opponent's active Ability card.

2xAndrostasis: Return all bakugan on this Gate Card back to their owners

2X Rapid Fire: If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels.

2XFire Storm: Increase your Pyrus bakugan's power level by 100 Gs

2XChaos of Darkness: Allows your Darkus bakugan to attack anywhere on the battlefield.

1XFire Tornado: Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your Pyrus bakugan.

2XShadowscratch: Nullify your opponent's Gate Card.

Robotallian Enforcement: Increase your Robotallian bakugan by 50 Gs.

1XSlash 0: Increase your Fear Ripper's power level by 80 Gs.

2XGravity Chamber: If you have a Darkus bakugan in battle, force all of your opponent's bakugan on the field over to that Darkus bakugan's Gate Card.

2X Fire Judge: If you have a Pyrus bakugan in battle, increase its power level by 100 Gs.

2XAbility Counter: Negate your opponent's Ability Card.

1XSlice Cutter: Allows your Mantris to decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 50 Gs.

1XBrain Fire: Negate opponent's move which decreases your power and gain 50 Gs if you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle.

2XBoosted Dragon: Increase 1 Dragonoid's power level by 100 Gs.


1XVentus and Pyrus Co-Relation: If you are a Ventus bakugan against a Pyrus bakugan, increase your Ventus' power level by 100 Gs.

1XDimension 4: Negate opponent's Gate Card power boost if you have a Darkus bakugan in the battle.

2XDouble Dimension: Negate the effect of the opponent's Ability Card is you have a Darkus bakugan in the battle.

2XPyrus and Darkus Vertical Relation: If you are either a Pyrus bakugan against a Darkus bakugan, or a Darkus bakugan against a Pyrus bakugan, increase your power level by 100 Gs.

2XShade: Negate all of your opponent's active Ability Cards.

1XSubTerra and Aquos Diagonal Relation: If you have either a SubTerra bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, or an Aquos bakugan against a SubTerra bakugan, increase your power level by 100 Gs.

2XDarkus and Aquos Co-Relation: If you are a Darkus bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, increase your Darkus' power level by 100 Gs

Polygraph Divide: Replicate and increase your Aquos bakugan's power level by the same amount of Gs as your opponent's bakugan.

Revive: Return all of your lost bakugan to your arsenal.

2XDive Mirage: Use your Aquos bakugan to move over to an adjacent Gate Card, that Gate Card is then nullified.

2XMerge Shield: Replicate and increase your Darkus bakugan's power level by however many Gs your opponent's bakugan has gained in this battle.

1XGrand Down: Allows your Darkus bakugan to nullify your opponent's Gate Card.

2XDragoon: Increase your El Condor bakugan by the same number of Gs your opponent's bakugan has total.

Pyrus and SubTerra Co-Relation: If you are a Pyrus bakugan against a SubTerra bakugan, increase your Pyrus' power level by 100 Gs.

Reverse Blow: Return your bakugan back to your arsenal during mid-battle.


2XDepth Flare: Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 100 Gs.

2XDistraction Buster: Negates your opponent's Ability card.

Doom Card: With this card activated, all of your opponent's bakugan that have been defeated in battle will be trapped within the Doom Dimension forum
Doom Proof(Revolution)
Doom Proof(Revolution)

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-08-08
Age : 30
Location : u.s.a

Character sheet
Pharoh Darkus Left_bar_bleue10/999999999999Pharoh Darkus Empty_bar_bleue  (10/999999999999)

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Pharoh Darkus Empty Re: Pharoh Darkus

Post  DarkPrinceOfAwesome 3rd September 2008, 7:28 pm're Apprentice Darkus?

Wait...he'll probably never read this.

Posts : 1429
Join date : 2008-07-06
Age : 30
Location : Haos Blade Tigrerra - 6/ Haos Delta Dragonoid - 5/ Haos Lunarus - 3

Character sheet
Pharoh Darkus Left_bar_bleue275/999999999999Pharoh Darkus Empty_bar_bleue  (275/999999999999)

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Pharoh Darkus Empty Re: Pharoh Darkus

Post  Unknown 3rd September 2008, 7:32 pm

Wait... your just spamming.

Posts : 1560
Join date : 2008-07-03
Location : Code Geass.

Character sheet
Pharoh Darkus Left_bar_bleue100/999999999999Pharoh Darkus Empty_bar_bleue  (100/999999999999)

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Pharoh Darkus Empty Re: Pharoh Darkus

Post  DarkPrinceOfAwesome 4th September 2008, 2:15 pm I'm not. I'm serious.

Posts : 1429
Join date : 2008-07-06
Age : 30
Location : Haos Blade Tigrerra - 6/ Haos Delta Dragonoid - 5/ Haos Lunarus - 3

Character sheet
Pharoh Darkus Left_bar_bleue275/999999999999Pharoh Darkus Empty_bar_bleue  (275/999999999999)

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Pharoh Darkus Empty Re: Pharoh Darkus

Post  Rikimaru24 13th September 2008, 7:39 pm

i think you can only have a doom card if you buy it

Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-09-09
Age : 29
Location : Earth

Character sheet
Pharoh Darkus Left_bar_bleue10/999999999999Pharoh Darkus Empty_bar_bleue  (10/999999999999)

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