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my profile
Name-Bakugan Hunter
Personality- Nice,fun,cool
Likes and Dislikes-(likes) Soccer,basketball,outdoors(dislikes)baseball,mean people,spinach
Pryus-Dragonoid-390g, Robotallion-390g, Laserman-390g
Subterra-Hydra-400g, Mantris-390g, Falconeer
Haos-Tigrerra-390g, Centipoid-390g, Hynoid-390g
Darkus-Reaper-390g, Hydra-390g, Sirenoid-390g
Aquos-Siege-390g, Saurus-390g, Preyas-390g
Ventus-Griffin-390g, Skyress-390g, Juggernoid-390g
Triple battle -Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan.
G Power Boost Card-These are the Gate Cards that simply increases a bakugan's power level.You may increase or decrease power from a specific attribute ranging by 50 Gs-350 Gs
Mind Ghost-Destroy all bakugan on this Gate Card.
Level Down-Decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs,
Ring of Flames-Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 80 Gs,
Battle~Fielder-Return all of the lost Gate Cards back to the battlefield,
Bio Hazard-Undo your opponent's previous move.,
Energy Merge-Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own.
Peacemaker-Return all bakugan on this Gate Card back to their owners.
Scrapegoat-Decide whether the battle on a certain Gate Card should continue or not, call "Continue" or "Stop".
Hydra character card-Double Hydra's G power level.
Intercept-Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan,
Transform-Increase your bakugan's power level to the point of your strongest bakugan in your arsenal's power level.
Trade off-If your opponent's bakugan has 400 Gs or higher in power, you automatically defeat it.
Quick sand freeze-Trap your opponent's bakugan and shoot in another one of your own after the original one has been defeated.
Boosted Dragon-Increase 1 Dragonoid's power level by 100 Gs,
Firewall-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 50 Gs.,
Lightning sheild-If you have a Haos bakugan in battle, decrease you're opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs.
Cut-In Saber-Transport your Tigrerra bakugan to any part of the battlefield you want,
Crystal Fangs-Increase your Tigrerra bakugan's power level by 80 Gs.,
Fire Judge-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in battle, increase its power level by 100 Gs.,
Ability Counter-Negate your opponent's Ability Card.,
Leap Sting-Use your Darkus bakugan to attack any bakugan on the field from a separate Gate Card.
Chaos of Darkness-Allows your Darkus bakugan to attack anywhere on the battlefield,
Forcing Waves-Increase your Aquos bakugan by 100 Gs.
Brain Fire-Negate opponent's move which decreases your power and gain 50 Gs if you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle.
Gravity Chamber-If you have a Darkus bakugan in battle, force all of your opponent's bakugan on the field over to that Darkus bakugan's Gate Card.
Rapid Fire-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels,
Backfire-Use your Pyrus bakugan in the battle to nullify your opponent's Gate Card.,
Poison fangs-Any of your beastly bakugan can use this card. Transfer 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own bakugan. Each time that opponent's bakugan brawls, reduce it by 50 Gs for each battle.
Dimension 4-Negate opponent's Gate Card power boost if you have a Darkus bakugan in the battle.
Pyrus and Darkus Vertical Relation-If you are a Ventus bakugan against a Pyrus bakugan, increase your Ventus' power level by 100 Gs,
Shade-Negate all of your opponent's active Ability Cards.
Doom Companion-Destroy all bakugan on the Gate Card you've activated this card for.
SubTerra and Darkus Diagonal Relation- If you are a Darkus bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, increase your Darkus' power level by 100 Gs.,
SubTerra and Aquos Diagonal Relation-If you have either a SubTerra bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, or an Aquos bakugan against a SubTerra bakugan, increase your power level by 100 Gs,
Copycat-Re-use one of yours or your opponent's cards against them. Attribute or bakugan requirements for the card are still applied,
Tornado Pandemonium-Increase your Ventus bakugan by 100 Gs,
Polygraph Divide-Replicate and increase your Aquos bakugan's power level by the same amount of Gs as your opponent's bakugan.
Revive-Return all of your lost bakugan to your arsenal.
Grand Slide-Use your SubTerra bakugan to move any Gate Card to anywhere on the field you want.
Back Draft- If you have a Ventus bakugan on the battlefield, send yours or your opponent's bakugan on the Gate Card back to its owner,
Dive Mirage-Use your Aquos bakugan to move over to an adjacent Gate Card, that Gate Card is then nullified,
Rapid Haos-If you possess a Haos bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels.
Pure Light-If you possess a Haos bakugan in battle, restore 1 bakugan from either yours or your opponent's defeated pile and add it to your arsenal.
Depth Flare-Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 100 Gs
Personality- Nice,fun,cool
Likes and Dislikes-(likes) Soccer,basketball,outdoors(dislikes)baseball,mean people,spinach
Pryus-Dragonoid-390g, Robotallion-390g, Laserman-390g
Subterra-Hydra-400g, Mantris-390g, Falconeer
Haos-Tigrerra-390g, Centipoid-390g, Hynoid-390g
Darkus-Reaper-390g, Hydra-390g, Sirenoid-390g
Aquos-Siege-390g, Saurus-390g, Preyas-390g
Ventus-Griffin-390g, Skyress-390g, Juggernoid-390g
Triple battle -Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan.
G Power Boost Card-These are the Gate Cards that simply increases a bakugan's power level.You may increase or decrease power from a specific attribute ranging by 50 Gs-350 Gs
Mind Ghost-Destroy all bakugan on this Gate Card.
Level Down-Decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs,
Ring of Flames-Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 80 Gs,
Battle~Fielder-Return all of the lost Gate Cards back to the battlefield,
Bio Hazard-Undo your opponent's previous move.,
Energy Merge-Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own.
Peacemaker-Return all bakugan on this Gate Card back to their owners.
Scrapegoat-Decide whether the battle on a certain Gate Card should continue or not, call "Continue" or "Stop".
Hydra character card-Double Hydra's G power level.
Intercept-Shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels with your original bakugan,
Transform-Increase your bakugan's power level to the point of your strongest bakugan in your arsenal's power level.
Trade off-If your opponent's bakugan has 400 Gs or higher in power, you automatically defeat it.
Quick sand freeze-Trap your opponent's bakugan and shoot in another one of your own after the original one has been defeated.
Boosted Dragon-Increase 1 Dragonoid's power level by 100 Gs,
Firewall-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 50 Gs.,
Lightning sheild-If you have a Haos bakugan in battle, decrease you're opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs.
Cut-In Saber-Transport your Tigrerra bakugan to any part of the battlefield you want,
Crystal Fangs-Increase your Tigrerra bakugan's power level by 80 Gs.,
Fire Judge-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in battle, increase its power level by 100 Gs.,
Ability Counter-Negate your opponent's Ability Card.,
Leap Sting-Use your Darkus bakugan to attack any bakugan on the field from a separate Gate Card.
Chaos of Darkness-Allows your Darkus bakugan to attack anywhere on the battlefield,
Forcing Waves-Increase your Aquos bakugan by 100 Gs.
Brain Fire-Negate opponent's move which decreases your power and gain 50 Gs if you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle.
Gravity Chamber-If you have a Darkus bakugan in battle, force all of your opponent's bakugan on the field over to that Darkus bakugan's Gate Card.
Rapid Fire-If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels,
Backfire-Use your Pyrus bakugan in the battle to nullify your opponent's Gate Card.,
Poison fangs-Any of your beastly bakugan can use this card. Transfer 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own bakugan. Each time that opponent's bakugan brawls, reduce it by 50 Gs for each battle.
Dimension 4-Negate opponent's Gate Card power boost if you have a Darkus bakugan in the battle.
Pyrus and Darkus Vertical Relation-If you are a Ventus bakugan against a Pyrus bakugan, increase your Ventus' power level by 100 Gs,
Shade-Negate all of your opponent's active Ability Cards.
Doom Companion-Destroy all bakugan on the Gate Card you've activated this card for.
SubTerra and Darkus Diagonal Relation- If you are a Darkus bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, increase your Darkus' power level by 100 Gs.,
SubTerra and Aquos Diagonal Relation-If you have either a SubTerra bakugan against an Aquos bakugan, or an Aquos bakugan against a SubTerra bakugan, increase your power level by 100 Gs,
Copycat-Re-use one of yours or your opponent's cards against them. Attribute or bakugan requirements for the card are still applied,
Tornado Pandemonium-Increase your Ventus bakugan by 100 Gs,
Polygraph Divide-Replicate and increase your Aquos bakugan's power level by the same amount of Gs as your opponent's bakugan.
Revive-Return all of your lost bakugan to your arsenal.
Grand Slide-Use your SubTerra bakugan to move any Gate Card to anywhere on the field you want.
Back Draft- If you have a Ventus bakugan on the battlefield, send yours or your opponent's bakugan on the Gate Card back to its owner,
Dive Mirage-Use your Aquos bakugan to move over to an adjacent Gate Card, that Gate Card is then nullified,
Rapid Haos-If you possess a Haos bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels.
Pure Light-If you possess a Haos bakugan in battle, restore 1 bakugan from either yours or your opponent's defeated pile and add it to your arsenal.
Depth Flare-Increase your Pyrus bakugan by 100 Gs
Last edited by Bakugan Hunter on 24th October 2008, 10:42 pm; edited 6 times in total
Bakugan Hunter- Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-10-24
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Re: my profile
Cards look good, but you need to list them like so:
<Card Name>: <Effect of card>
<Card Name>: <Effect of card>
Guest- Guest
Re: my profile
Get the Cards/effects from here:
Guest- Guest
Re: my profile
No Doomcards unless you are in Dark Team, witch only MD and possibly I (gotta check on that one) can put someone in.
Guest- Guest
Re: my profile
Give him 2 Distraction Busters or he'll get pwnizzled...
DarkPrinceOfAwesome- Posts : 1429
Join date : 2008-07-06
Age : 30
Location : Haos Blade Tigrerra - 6/ Haos Delta Dragonoid - 5/ Haos Lunarus - 3
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Re: my profile
hes already approved dpoa
subterra master- Posts : 180
Join date : 2008-10-13
Age : 29
Location : in the butter finger solar system(instead of the milky way)
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Re: my profile
sweet some new meat
Darkus Doom- Posts : 264
Join date : 2008-10-25
Age : 33
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Re: my profile
yugi58- Pyrus Leader
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